
On Site Desktop Support

Any Desktop/Laptop issues resolved. Networking, printing, email, viruses, software issues, hardware issues. I can Help.

Email and Web Hosting

Email + Web hosting. Having your own domain(www.yourname.co.za) is always more professional when dealing with clients. Monthly/Yearly hosting packages available. I can help.

Professional Back Up Implementation

Backups are like oxygen! You never think about it until it's not there. A permanent backup medium does not exist. Your desktop or laptop PC WILL crash. FACT. Custom Backup solutions implemented for each client safeguarding your hard work generated over many years. I can help.

Monthly Maintenance Contracts

Once off call outs can add up to quite a lot regarding your monthly IT bill. Maintenance contracts with very low hourly rates available, giving you peace of mind that your IT bill will always be a fixed amount every month. I can help.

Hardware and Software Sales

Laptop or desktop too old to repair? New laptops and desktop PCs to your needs. Software sourced at best prices. I can help.

Sage Pastel/Payroll Installations & Networking

Want to have more than one person using Pastel or Payroll? Setting up of Pastel/Payroll server and linking multiple users. I can help.

Custom Built PC’s

Any PC Requirements available. Auto Cad PC. Gaming PC. Tailor made to suit your specific needs. I can help.

On Site Wifi Coverage

Not covered everywhere in your office space with Wifi? Guest Networks. Restricted Access. I can help.

Networking (Cabling + Connection)

Cabling done from scratch or added to existing infrastructure. Moving premises or starting a business.? All cabling and connections done to connect users and printers etc. I can help.

Printer repairs & Service & Sales

Most printer makes and models can be repaired & serviced. All major brands supported. I can help.

Internet Setup & Support

Internet Issues, disconnections, moving from one Internet Service Provider to another can be confusing. Adding PCs or Smartphones or tablets. I can help.

Remote Desktop Assistance

Have a small issue without the need for an on site visit? Remote login assistance is quick and easy. I can help.

Web Development

Web Site creation/development. E-Commerce sites. Digital marketing/Facebook/Google campaigns. I can help.